R. L. Lemon

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R. L. Lemon (also known as Rebecca Lemon)

Author, Artist, Graphic Designer

She is the author of Rise of the Golden Blood, the first installment of the fantasy/science fiction series, The Gleehaven Tales. She began the novel at just thirteen, and has refused to grow up since, preferring to chronicle the lives of talking mice and space chefs instead of dealing with that silly thing referred to as "reality."

With the help of Dandytech Digital Independent Publishing, she published this first novel on Amazon, and currently has plans to publish a new edition of it with some minor edits. 

Her newest book is Guzamo the Space Chef, an illustrated, youth novella about a young alien girl rising in the ranks of a restaurant that is famous across the galaxy.



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Currently she lives in central U.S.A with her family. Her editors and test audience include her mother who is a nurse and musician, and her dad who is a military veteran and paramedic. She also has a brother who seems to master all things computer, and most importantly, she is supervised by a  fluffy orange cat named Booger, who weighs about eighteen pounds.

She is a Christian with a passion for karate, puns, strawberries, and kittens, not necessarily in that order.