R. L. Lemon

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R. L. Lemon Books

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R. L. Lemon

The Gleehaven Tales: Rise of the Golden Blood

The humans are no more. Sentient animals, left behind by a grave mistake, have picked up weapons and tools in order to survive. They have created kingdoms. Some have waged war. Some have lost, and some want revenge.

First published in 2017, R. L. Lemon is currently working on a new edition with some minor fixes.

Sci-fi - Fantasy - Young Adult - Novel

Find Rise of the Golden Blood on Amazon.


Guzamo the Space Chef

She has escaped her scavenging past. Now, she must rise in the ranks of Guzamo's kitchen, a restaurant that serves customers from all across the galazy, in order to survive.

"Don't question the whimsical wombats." - A very wise quote indeed.

Sci-Fi - Quirky - Youth - Novella

Find Guzamo the Space Chef on Amazon.